Archive for Kimi Meguru Boku

Motohiro Hata – Kimi, Meguru, Boku

Posted in PVs with tags , on May 14, 2008 by kimjim

This season seem like more and more anime openings have a PV version of the song, I feel this is a good thing, since I kind of like watching PV other than just the animated version of the anime opening song, to compare the difference and to see the actual singer singing that song, hehe

This is the PV to the anime, Itazura na Kiss, this is a romance/comedy anime and there is actual/live JDrama and Taiwanese Drama version of this anime, the chinese title of this anime is 恶做剧之吻
If you google a bit I am sure you will find some of the JDrama or Taiwanese drama, hehe

Anyway here is the PV to the opening song of the anime, Itazura na Kiss.

Continue for the lyrics to Motohiro Hata – Kimi, Meguru, Boku …